I am a graduate student at the University of Montreal researching novel approaches to identify and quantify fatigue in collegiate soccer and professional hockey players.
In 2011, I worked with collegiate and professional athletes as a strength and conditioning coach in Montreal, Qc where I was first introduced to the concept of perfecting the pursuit of athletic development. This idea guided my decision to pursue a Bachelors of Science at Simon Fraser University, majoring in kinesiology and minoring in statistics. While at SFU, I gained research experience, participated in hackathons, and engaged in multiple sports analytics clubs. My experiences include: winning the Vancouver Sports Analytics Symposium and Hackathon by investigating spatio-temporal data from the Vancouver Whitecaps to assess playing strategy, estimating projection pathways of Olympic prospects for the Canadian Sport Institute through time-series analysis and logistic regression, and collaborating with graduate students to model fatigue curves in professional soccer using clustering methods and survival analysis.
During my undergrad, I learned to communicate effectively providing teams the opportunity to facilitate conversations between coaches, performance staff, and analysts.
I encourage you to view my résumé for more information about who I am and projects I have completed. Please see my portfolio for my current explorations into athletic performance and fatigue management.
Please feel free to contact me at my personal email address: aaronzpearson@outlook.com.